Wednesday, 21 February 2018


The Grunion Fish from California synchronise their breeding cycle with the spring tides.
At the peak of a spring tide large numbers of Grunion deliberately strand themselves on the shore. The females bury their tails in the sand and lay their eggs. The males are entwined around them and release sperm to fertilise the eggs. The fish then propel themselves backwards to catch a wave to carry them back into the ocean. On the next spring tide (about 15 days later) the eggs hatch and the babies swim off in the high tide.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Image result for eel fish


Some fish are able to sense their surroundings by changes in an electric field generated around them by modified muscle cells. The changes are picked up by sensors along the fish's body. The nature of these changes depends on how well objects conduct electricity..
Some fish also use electricity to stun their prey. Some electric eels generate up to 550 volts.